2 Timothy 3:16-17

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Brotherhood of Fellowship!

Recently I was speaking with another officer to ask him how things were going. He has been on the department for less than a year and is working midnight shift. We spoke of the troubles of adjusting to strange work hours, the impact of shift work on families, and how to personally deal with the stress of constantly witnessing the evil that humans perpetuate against each other. At the conclusion of our conversation, I reflected on how important it is to remain in fellowship with each other.

What is fellowship? The brotherhood of the blue line is well known. I can go anywhere in the country and find an instant friend in anyone who wears the badge – that is the Police Brotherhood. However, that brotherhood is not the type of fellowship to which I am referring.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Love is a verb!

How many times have police officers gone to a home for a domestic violence call and been told, “I don’t love him anymore, I want a divorce.” How many fellow officers do you know who have said the same thing about their spouse? We approach love as if it is emotion that we cannot control. If love is uncontrollable, unpredictable, and based upon our emotional whims we are in serious trouble when we are instructed by God to love others. So what is love? Is it an emotion or an action? This is what we will explore in this posting.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Loving those you arrest.

At the end of the last post I challenged you to view everyone you contact on the street through the eyes of Jesus Christ and consider, “Can I love them?” In nearly every station house in the country one could walk through and hear police officers talking about the people they arrested. Generally, the terms they use for their arrestees are not nice. Consider the following descriptions: collar, dirt bag, scumbag, lowest of low, long hair, pervert, sex offender, “those people”, “it’s us verses THEM”, meth head, tweeker, doper, smoker, gang banger, banger, pot head, and many other descriptions that would be in bad taste to even post. What about you? Examine yourself. (2 Cor 13:5)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Authority vested in you peace officers!

Do you remember when you were first sworn into your position as a law enforcement officer? You finish the hard work of the training academy, attend graduation and take your oath of office in front of your friends and family. At the conclusion of the event you think, “I made it.” Most our swearing in ceremonies are similar as we promise to complete our duties by protecting the US Constitution, the State Constitution, and our local city and county laws. In the moment you were sworn in you received an incredible amount of power and responsibility. Have you ever contemplated from where or from whom did you receive your powers?

Most of us would agree that our powers are derived from the government bodies’ that swore us in – the city, county, state, or federal government agency. Some of us would argue that our powers are derived from the people we serve. In a Lockean type philosophy we would say our powers are imbued as part of a contractual agreement between the citizens and the government that employs us. However scripture teaches that our power comes from a much higher authority.

Romans chapter 13, verses 1-7, instructs that all governments are ordained or appointed by God as His minister for good. The responsibility of government is to be His minister for the good of the citizens and to avenge wrath on those who practice evil. Citizens are instructed to be subject to the ruling authority. So as not to fear the government they are to do “what is good” to receive praise from the authority. If a citizen resists the authority he or she is resisting God Himself bringing judgment on them self.

My fellow law enforcement officers your authority is from God who ordained the government body that employs you. You are a minister of God to do His work in this world both for encouraging good and holding those who do evil accountable.

When you contemplate the awesome power you have as a law enforcement officer, contemplate the power of the One who has called you to your duties. We can respond to this truth in two diametrically opposing ways. The wrong way to respond is to puff up our chests in self proclaiming pride and act as if we are God and proclaim judgment on all the “dirt bags” we arrest and book into jail. The wrong way to respond is to use the authority granted us by God and use it as a license to fabricate evidence, utter false testimony, or use the power of the pen (report writing) to justify any questionable actions we might have done in order to close the case and make an arrest.

The correct way to respond to the awesome power given us by God is to humble ourselves before Almighty God (James 4:6-10). We must bow before Him and remember that while our profession puts us in the position of doing His work, we are also the subjects of the Chapter 13 text instructing us as citizens to be subject to the authorities. We are responsible for following directives in chapter 13. The fullfillment of following the law (God's law) is found in Romans 13:8, "Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law." Imagine if people were to truly love each, worried about serving each others needs and not hurting each other - we would be out of work.

My fellow law enforcement officers while our power is from God, we are subject to God and His commands – fulfill the law by loving one another. This week focus on seeing everyone you contact on the street through the eyes of Jesus. Then ask yourself, "Can I love them?"

We will examine this some more in the next post. Until then blessings and stay safe.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How Hungry Are You?

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God….And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:1, 14) Jesus is the Word of God who was in the beginning and became flesh. He described Himself as the “bread of life” (John 6:48). If Jesus is our bread of life, our nourishment and our sustainer, the question I ask you is, “How hungry are you?” Jesus said, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.” (John 8:31-32) Evidence our faith in Christ, of being His disciple, is abiding in His word. Do you take the time each and everyday to feed on His Word and allow the Holy Spirit to teach and guide you?

There are many different kinds of Bible reading plans. Most of us are familiar with the Bible in a year reading plan. I have always had difficulty with this system because I never feel like I am making very rapid progress in learning the Word. I guess I am a product of the “I want it now” generation and reading the whole Bible in a year is a slow process. I also found it very easy to let other things take priority in my life always assuming I could always “catch up” on my reading later. If you are like me, then I want to introduce you to a reading plan I recently discovered on my friend’s blog The Lawman Chronicles. Tony received the information from Professor Horner of the Master’s College and Seminary.

I have been using Professor Horner’s system for the last week and have been truly blessed as I digest large portions of the Scripture daily. I encourage you to try this one day at a time and see how blessed you will be too. Don’t go out on the street tonight without your spiritual back-up in Jesus Christ. The only way to know Him is to read.


Here is the information as I copied it off of The Lawman Chronicles


What follows is Professor Horner's explanation of the Bible Reading System, as it appears on the Facebook page.


"I have more wisdom than all my teachers, for thy testimonies are my meditation." Psalm 119:99, right-hand page, left-hand column, dead center of page. Many people ask me how it is that I know precisely where virtually *everything* is in my Bible. The answer: this system. I began in 1983 (adapting and tweaking the basic design of another system) as a brand-new convert; within 3 years I knew the text of my Bible very well. Twenty-five years later it is essentially imprinted on my mind and heart. I have been all over the country and have taught this system in many churches. I have done open-microphone Q&As on Bible and theology -- with 1200 people in the audience -- as well as cultural-analysis live radio shows where you have to think fast -- and it has been the "imprinting" value of this system that has helped me provide quick, clear, heavily contextualized scriptural answers (I Peter 3:15; right-hand page, right hand column, 1/3rd way down). I have no Seminary degrees, no Bible-college or Christian school education -- hey, I never even went to Sunday School (the first church I went to, just months after my conversion, threw me into Sunday School-- to teach!!! *BIG* mistake, by the way...) All I DID have was a chair, a lamp ... and my Bible.This is *not* merely a speed-reading program, nor is it a 'study' system. Read the 1-page description provided here to see how it works. (I'd also recommend you look at my first few posts in the Discussion Board 'Starting Up' below as well, for more thoughts.) DO NOT be intimidated! I was a college drop-out, ex-heavy-druggie when I started it. If I can do it -- so can you!

TRY IT FOR A MONTH. Then tell me what is happening!

Join if you wish to try it; stay if you keep it up for one month! And make posts about your struggles, the effects it is having on your biblical understanding and discernment, and to encourage others.



Each day you will read one chapter from each list, in order. THAT'S RIGHT -- *TEN CHAPTERS PER DAY*!!! Use ten bookmarks or sticky notes with the individual lists on them to keep track of your locations. On day one, you read Matthew 1, Genesis 1, Romans 1, and so forth. On day 2, read Matthew 2, Genesis 2, etc. On day 29, you will have just finished Matthew, so go to Mark 1 on the Gospel list; you’ll also be almost to the end of 2nd Corinthians and Proverbs, you’ll be reading Psalm 29 and Genesis 29, and so forth. When you reach the last chapter of the last book in a list – start over again. Rotate all the way through all the Scriptures constantly. Since the lists vary in length, the readings begin interweaving in constantly changing ways. You will NEVER read the same set of ten chapters together again! Every year you’ll read through all the Gospels four times, the Pentateuch twice, Paul’s letters 4-5 times each, the OT wisdom literature six times, all the Psalms at least twice, all the Proverbs as well as Acts a dozen times, and all the way through the OT History and prophetic books about 1 ½ times. Since the interweaving is constantly changing, you will experience the Bible commenting *on itself* in constantly changing ways -- the Reformer's principle of 'scriptura interpretans scripturam' -- 'scripture interpreting scripture' IN ACTION!

After you’ve read any particular book once or twice, your speed in that book usually *doubles or triples* because you’re familiar with it and can move quickly and confidently -- because you are no longer merely decoding the text but thinking it through in the context of all of the scripture! Acts 20:27. Even an ‘average’ reader, if focusing on moving through the text, rather than trying to figure everything out, can usually do this in about an hour a day – 5-6 minutes per chapter. If it is taking you longer, then you are ‘reading wrong’ – stay relaxed, focus, and just keep it moving. Moderate but consistent speed is the key. This is "gross anatomy" -- looking at the whole body; you're *not* closely studying organs or systems or tissues or cells -- it is *not* microbiology. BUT-- microbiology and the study or organs makes more sense when you know what the *whole* structure of the human body is like, and how all the parts, large and small, relate in perfect interdependence. After just a few days the reading gets *much* easier; in a month it will be a habit, and in six months you’ll wonder how you ever survived before on such a slim diet of the WORD. And then -- you'll tell others to start the system!

I began in 1983 as a new Christian and have now read (most of) the Bible hundreds and hundreds of times. You also need to get ONE Bible, keep it, and do all your reading in it, so you learn where everything is. I’ve had the same Bible since 1983 and I know it intimately. If you keep switching Bibles, you ‘lose’ this intimacy with the text. Find a translation and format you like and stick with it. THIS IS CRUCIAL.

When I was flown out by Masters for a 3-day interview/theological-grilling process, the culmination was of course being ushered in to Dr. John MacArthur's private study, which is where he asked me this one question: "Can I see your Bible?" I thought he would be horrified, because it looked like it had been through a typhoon -- it looked unloved and neglected. Something from a dumpster. It was unbound, with stringy mess and paper debris hanging out. I was so embarrassed. I thought he would chastise me and recommend I get a new study Bible if I was serious about the Word. (No doubt which study Bible he would recommend!!!) He flipped through it and handed it to his wife and said "If your Bible is falling apart, you probably aren't." I was basically hired on the spot.

Your Bible is the only thing on Earth that, as you wear it out, will actually work better and better.

List 1 (89 days)Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
List 2 (187 days)Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
List 3 (78 days)Romans, I&II Cor, Gal, Eph, Phil, Col, Hebrews
List 4 (65 days)I&II Thess, I&II Tim, Titus, Philemon, James, I&II Peter, I,II&III John, Jude, Revelation
List 5 (62 days)Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon
List 6 (150 days)Psalms
List 7 (31 days)Proverbs
List 8 (249 days)Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I&II Samuel, I&II Kings, I&II Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther
List 9 (250 days)Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah,Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
List 10 (28 days)Acts

If you are wondering why you should read Acts (or Proverbs) all the way through *every single month* then-- you've just shown that you NEED to read them that much!

*Put these instructions in your Bible and review them from time to time*

• Read one chapter from each list each day, in one sitting or two. At the end of a book, go to the next book. At the end of the list – start it again. Do it in the order given above.

• Read quickly (without “speed reading”) in order to get the overall sense. Read as fast as you comfortably can with moderate retention. You’re not studying deeply or memorizing; shoot for 5-6 minutes per chapter. At the end of a chapter, move immediately to the next list.

• GET THROUGH THE TEXT – no dawdling, back-reading, looking up cross-references!• There are different ‘kinds’ of reading: super-quick skimming, careful moderate-paced, studying the text, deep meditation. You should be between the first and second kind.

• Most people decrease their time spent and increase their retention after just two-three weeks! I now read and retain the entire text of Matthew in 35 minutes, Romans in 20, Genesis in *one hour*!

• Don’t look up anything you ‘don’t get’ – real understanding will come through contextualizing by reading a LOT of scripture over time. Get through the text!

• If you miss a day or two – OK, get over it, then keep going. Don’t cover yourself in sackcloth and ashes and quit! Move the bookmarks along, to find your place(s) quickly next day.

Heb 4:12&5:11-14; Eph 5:26&6:17; Col 3:16; 2 Tim 3:16; Ps 119; Ezra 8; Prov 3: 1-2, 10:14; Dan 1


The goal of this system is simple, and twofold: To know scripture, and to love and obey God more!


Sunday, February 1, 2009

What is next? Is there life after death?

This last week, I responded to the home of a 73 year old man who died in his bedroom while his wife was sitting in the living room. It is always a strange feeling to stand over a dead man and realize that only moments ago he was a living breathing human being with family like my own. Trying to understand the moment between life and the finality of death is difficult to grasp and yet it is guaranteed for each one of us. In times like this, cops focus on getting the job done, completing the investigation, and moving on to the next call but inside we cannot help but contemplate our own mortality. Does anything exist beyond?

Like many of my brothers and sisters behind the badge, I have responded to numerous death scenes. It does not matter whether one is rich or poor, homeless or living in a mansion, each of us will come to the same fate – death looks the same to all. So what is next, after death? The Bible tells us we are destined to die and face judgment (Heb 9:27). All good cops, deputies, and detectives are prepared to testify in court but how many of us are prepared for our final court date, where we are the defendant.

If we are going to face God’s judgment then by what standard are we being judged? In Matthew chapter 5, Jesus gives a discourse on God’s law. The law of God has been written upon our hearts and is known to all men (Rom 2:14-15) and when we violate God’s law we have sinned. Most people assume they are good people but when we compare our thoughts and deeds to God’s perfect holy standard, we all fall short of His glory (Rom 3:23). To see how good of a person you are, take the http://www.goodpersontest.com/. We all stand guilty before God (Rom 3:10-18, 19) and God must punish the unrighteous (Rom 2:5-9, 1 Thess 4:6a, 2 Thess 1:8, Heb 10:31).

If we are all guilty, then what hope do we have? Imagine a courtroom scene: The felon has just been convicted of a heinous crime. An innocent stranger walks into the courtroom and takes the place of the felon receiving the felon’s punishment. The felon leaves while the innocent person remains and is punished. This is what God has done for us. In God’s grace, mercy, and love He sent Jesus Christ to be our substitute and receive our just punishment. He paid a substitutionary death on the cross to pay for your sins, my sins, and the sins of the world. Paul, writing to the Romans, said, “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Rom 5:8) Through His death, He reconciled us to God (Rom 5:10). Through His death we are saved from punishment in Hell and will live with God in heaven for eternity.

However, not everyone is saved from the horrors of hell. Jesus Christ called for sinners to repent (Matt 9:13, Luke 13:3, 5 – NKJV). “Repent means to confess sin and forsake it – to agree with God that it is wrong to turn and go in the opposite direction.”1 Being saved from hell and having eternal fellowship with God is only possible by repenting of your sins and having faith in the work completed by Jesus Christ on the cross. Evidence of our faith will be witnessed in our lives as we conform our ways to His ways. God wants your desires and your will to be aligned with His desires and His will (Rom 8:5). Yes, there is life beyond! Choose your eternal destiny.

Why is this my first Blog? Everything discussed on this Blog can only be understood within the context of a believer’s relationship with Jesus Christ. This means we live in submission to His will and not our own. Without understanding or believing these things, the remainder of the Blog is pointless.

I pray you consider these truths. If you do not accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, as God, then you are not a Christian. I pray you accept Christ as your Savior and then in light of your faith determine if you are living in the faith. This Blog is designed to help us live Scriptural truth within our profession.

Be Blessed and Stay Safe!

1. Cameron and Comfort, The School of Biblical Evangelism, Bridge -Logos, pg 111.